Sunday, September 25, 2011

oh hi! i figured out my password! so now i can come back. sorry about being gone.

here's what i did for a Wild Kratts birthday party for boy blue.
I made some creature power suits out of black felt and colored felt.  For the middle of the paw print I made it into a pocket so that the kids could put their discs "in" their it was just two pieces sewed in a circle and then sewn on the vest part in a 1/2 circle
wild kratts birthday

the cake was just regular cake decorated like a nature scene but I went to the grocery store bakery with a picture of some creature power discs so they could print it out on edible paper. I got two sheets printed...i could have survived with just one...but..anyway yeah. It made such a HUGE difference to just be able to throw them on to finish the design, not worry about needing to peel off the paper b/c you can't eat it etc. It was just the right touch and so much easier for me than trying to do it myself. (only about 7 dollars a page not bad at all!)

For the games we had the kids wear their power suits then we tied streamers around their waists and they had to run around a pull off each other's "tails"it was so much fun we did it a couple of times.  Then for the "fish" powers we filled blue balloons with air and then "trapped" them in the hall so that it would be like water to swim in just...less wet. LOVED IT! We then had the kids eat cookies that were like sticks as fast as they could for their beaver power! They loved it.  The bat powers we did a take on Marco Polo, but we said Wild Kratts instead.

so that was how boy blue turned 4! hooray!
wild kratts birthday's the jpeg of the discs just incase you want them too :)

Thursday, February 03, 2011


i never buy spagetti sauce in a jar. i always always make it. but tonight i was in the kind of bind you get in sometimes where i needed to have sauce DONE b/c it would take less than 10mins to put dinner on a plate if i did. SO i bought this little jar of liquid gold and i have to say i'm going to go to the store and buy at least 2 maybe 3 more. it was soo good. and it would be good to put together a "make in case of emgency-like-pica-can't-cook-tonight" kind of thing. Yes actually that is exactly why i'm going to buy some more of it. I like thier alfredo one too....but it has wine in it and i dont' think warming it up actually cooks the wine out so....

anyway. delish! and so what we needed tonight with both kids having a fever from who knows where but here's hoping that they are over it by tomorrow....what? i know it's wishful thinking....but if i could have one wish....right now it'd be that....or that we were financially i think the health thing. yeah. ok better go to bed now for my own health. :) night

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

today was a good workout and so far we've had a pretty good start to the day.

yesterday we hung the hammock and i have a retractable clothesline now :) horray! and it's been almost an entire year since we've used a dryer....weird. since it's started to warm up (bleh!!) i think that we still might not hook up the dryer and just continue on with the way we've been doing things. also yesterday i made a whole list of things that needed to be done and i got about 80 percent of the list done. It was good to cross things off and also the best part was that i knew that i had done things and not just forgotten about doing them. Here's hoping that i can finish off that other 20 percent today :) LATER

Monday, January 10, 2011

so little boy blue was starting to have hair that made funny shapes so the other day after he woke up from a nap and it was pretty bad i snapped a pic of it and then whisked him off to have it cut. of course there were tears lots of them. It's hard to cut your little ones hair but it had gone on too long. he just looked scruffy all the time and i knew a cut would help him look cleaned up. OH! note the green wall in the background it is the second wall in our house that we have painted and i really love it. it's just the right kind of energizing green that's a little muted that i was going fortada! and even though i have no NO training i think he looks better. and older which is good because he's a sunbeam now! so he should look like he's ready for primary. oh and this is thier "big" gift santa brought them. i debated about getting it or a regular kitchen and just desided that this would be good. i'm glad i did. the only thing i keep thinking about is how i should make some felt food for them :) :) for extra hours and hours of play.